For the 2024/2025 Academic Year, which began in September, we are steadfast in our mission to empower our beneficiaries, ensuring they can thrive both in and out of school. Our focus remains clear: to expand our reach and enable even more children to succeed.
With the September back-to-school season, we made sure our beneficiaries were well-prepared for the new school year. The 1st Term of the 2024/2025 Academic Year commenced on 9 September 2024 for millions of students across Nigeria. Ahead of resumption, TOKAN Foundation purchased and delivered school bags, shoes, sandals, stationery, and other requested supplies to students in four Children’s Centers across Lagos State. Payments for academic tuition for our beneficiaries are ongoing.

3D Printing Summer Boot Camp for Teens
From the 2nd to the 6th of September 2024, ten of our beneficiaries participated in the 3D Printing Summer Boot Camp for Teens in Yaba. Sponsored by Evon Labs, the camp provided a unique learning experience, while we covered transportation and meal expenses for all attendees.
CRJJC Know Your Rights Phase II
Please mark your calendars—the second phase of the CRJJC Know Your Rights Initiative is scheduled for November. More details will be shared in the coming weeks.
Fundraiser: 2024/2025 Academic Year
For the 2024/2025 Academic Year, we are dedicated to making a lasting impact, ensuring our beneficiaries have the tools to thrive both in and out of school. Your donations are crucial to our mission, and we invite you to continue partnering with us to bridge the gap and create a future filled with opportunities for every child and young person. You can support our efforts by donating to Account No. 1015972986 (Zenith Bank Plc) or online at Paystack. We also welcome partnerships from individuals, businesses, religious organisations, and government bodies.