Access to justice for marginalized children and juveniles.
The Child Rights and Juvenile Justice Center (CRJJC), registered as Child Rights and Juvenile Advocacy Center with CAC/IT/No/193337, is the legal services arm of TOKAN Foundation inspired by the TOKAN Initiative. We provide legal support to children and juveniles in Nigeria. Our wholistic approach to child rights advocacy and juvenile justice helps to ensure that children and juveniles receive needed support in and out of the court room.
We work with families, social workers, school proprietors, correctional centers and other institutions for children to ensure that children can properly navigate their way through the system. We also advocate tirelessly for the rights of children who are thrown into the juvenile justice system and help them navigate their way out or through it. We also help to ensure that they meet their terms of release and can transition seamlessly back into school. Where possible, and if in the best interest of the child, we assist with uniting/reuniting children with their families, guardians, or foster parents.

1. To advocate for the rights of marginalised children in conflict with the law, in need of care and protection, or beyond parental control before any individual, public or private body, institution, court of law, administrative or legal authority.
2. To promote the best interests of the child in every action concerning a child.
3. To promote the rights of children.
4. To educate children, adults, and entities on the rights of children and all laws relating to children.
5. To conduct activities on child rights, advocacy and protection.
6. To act generally as child advocates.
To request legal assistance, please send an email to crjjc@tokanfoundation.com. You can also send us a message on any of our social media platforms: